Recovery After PRK: What to Expect and How to Ensure Success

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is a transformative eye procedure that has been enhancing the vision of countless individuals globally since its development in the 1980s. At NewVision Clinics in Melbourne, we pride ourselves on utilising the latest advancements in PRK laser surgery to correct refractive errors, reducing the dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

Understanding PRK Laser Surgery

PRK laser surgery, also known as ASA/ASLA (Advanced Surface Laser Ablation), involves gently removing the eye’s outer skin (epithelium). A cool laser light then reshapes the corneal tissue to correct vision imperfections. Following the procedure, a bandage contact lens is placed on the eye to promote comfort and healing.

As the cornea’s surface regenerates, discomfort is expected, particularly on the second and third days post-surgery. By the fourth day, most patients feel completely comfortable.

The PRK Procedure: Step by Step

The following are the steps involved in PRK surgery:

  1. Preparation: Anaesthetic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops are applied. An icepack is placed over the eye for comfort.
  2. Surface Adjustment: The surgeon gently removes the cornea’s outer layer.
  3. Cornea Reshaping: Computer-controlled laser light pulses to reshape the cornea.
  4. Completion: A bandage contact lens is placed on the eye to aid healing and comfort. This lens remains for three days and is later removed by the optometrist.

Post-Procedure Expectations

After PRK surgery, a follow-up appointment is essential. The specialist assesses the healing process and removes the ‘bandage’ contact lens. Generally, vision improves enough for driving within 4-5 days post-surgery. Optimal vision might take up to four weeks as the epithelium smoothens during the healing phase.

Benefits of PRK Surgery

  • There is no need for flap creation, eliminating related complications.
  • Suitable for individuals with thinner corneas.
  • Reduced likelihood of dry eyes due to minimal corneal nerve disruption.


While PRK and LASIK surgeries might seem similar, the difference lies in treating the epithelium. In PRK, the epithelium is brushed away, whereas in LASIK, a flap is created in the epithelium. The best procedure for an individual is determined after a thorough examination by a specialist.

Crystal Clear Vision with NewVision Clinics

At NewVision Clinics, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care and ensuring our patients are well-informed about their treatment options. If you’re considering PRK or any other vision correction procedure, trust our expertise and dedication.

Learn All There is to Know about PRK Surgery at NewVision Clinics

Contact us online or dial 1800 20 20 20 and let our team of experts guide you on your way to better vision.