Treatment Options

Choosing the right laser eye surgery treatment

Our Laser Eye Clinic offers LASIK, Advanced PRK and SILK laser eye surgery designed to reduce or eliminate the need for spectacles and contact lenses. These procedures are safe and popular choices, with millions of people worldwide attesting to their effectiveness.

NewVision Clinics have successfully performed over 30,000 vision correcting procedures and offer astigmatism treatment.

With laser eye surgery your need for glasses and contacts could be a thing of the past.

Laser eye surgery can eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses and deliver long-lasting visual freedom to those who suffer from short sightedness (near sight) or astigmatism.

At NewVision Clinics we offer our patients the most advanced laser eye surgery procedures available today – LASIK, Advanced PRK and SILK.

LASIK and Advanced PRK use precision Excimer lasers to reshape the cornea, and SILK uses the Elita Femtosecond laser to reshape the cornea. All three procedures achieve the same successful results. The difference is in how the eye is prepared for surgery and how this impacts the healing curve.

LASIK, Advanced PRK and SILK

Different laser eye surgery treatments – the same life-enhancing results

Our world-renowned surgeons use laser equipment to perform LASIK, Advanced PRK and SILK, which correct refractive errors by reshaping the cornea to alter the way light enters the eye. At our laser eye clinic, these procedures achieve the same vision outcomes, the only difference is in how the eye is prepared for surgery and how this impacts the healing curve.

What is the difference between LASIK, Advanced PRK and SILK?

In LASIK, the surgeon creates a flap on the anterior cornea. This flap is gently folded back and the surgeon then uses the laser to reshape the cornea. The flap is gently replaced and heals itself.

In Advanced PRK, the surgeon removes the epithelium (the cornea’s outer skin) by using a gentle polishing technique and uses the laser to reshape the cornea. The epithelium grows back over the following days.

In SILK, laser is used to create a lenticule within the corneal tissue. After the laser treatment, the lenticule is removed via a small key-hole incision which reshapes the cornea.

Although the preparations are slightly different, the laser treatment and the results are the same. What makes one person a candidate for one surgery over the other is dependent on their corneal thickness, any irregularities of the cornea and certain lifestyle practices.

At our laser eye clinic, our highly trained professionals will advise you of your suitability during the comprehensive eye examination. Book online for your assessment.

LASIK, Advanced PRK and SILK laser eye treatments – differences at-a-glance

Prior to the laser treatment, the epithelial layer of the cornea is gently brushed away. Prior to the laser treatment, a hinged flap is created on the cornea either with laser or a microkeratome. Laser is used to create a lenticule within the cornea through a key-hole incision.
After the laser treatment, a bandage contact lens is placed onto the eye, while the epithelium grows back within a few days. After the laser treatment, the flap is replaced, and the epithelium quickly repairs itself. After the laser treatment, the lenticule is removed via the small key-hole incision to reshape the cornea.
Healing takes longer to achieve, compared to LASIK and SILK. Healing is rapid, compared to PRK and SILK. Healing is faster, compared to PRK.
Excellent vision is expected within a month although most patients can drive and return to work in a week. Excellent vision is reached within a day, and most patients can return to work the following day. Excellent vision is achieved within a week, and most patients can drive and return to work in less than a week.

The total time for each procedure is between 15-20 minutes for both eyes, although the laser treatment itself lasts only seconds.

Long-term results are equally as good with LASIK, Adanvced PRK or SILK. Although, good quality vision is reached quicker with LASIK. For this reason, LASIK surgery is the preferred choice for correcting vision for most patients.

Talk to the experts

Our optometrists will carry out extensive tests to establish whether you are a suitable candidate for laser eye surgery and if so, whether your best and safest treatment is LASIK, Advanced PRK or SILK. If you’d like to find out which laser eye surgery treatment option is best for you, book online now to meet with our highly experienced optometrists and Professor Noel Alpins, who will assess your suitability for surgery.

Book now at our laser eye clinic to discuss your suitability for laser eye surgery and take your first step to visual freedom.

So if you seek freedom from your spectacles or contact lenses, don’t delay. Contact us now for the most professional laser eye surgery Melbourne has to offer and book an appointment today.

Where to find us

Clinic Locations


Consultations & Laser Centre

7 Chesterville Road
Cheltenham VIC 3192

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Consultation Centre

53 The Avenue
Windsor VIC 3181

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East Melbourne

Consultations & Laser Centre

160 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002

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