Can You Drive After Laser Eye Surgery?

Yes, most people having LASIK can drive the next day whereas with Advanced PRK the ability to drive occurs at approximately 1 week.

If you are looking for laser eye surgery, look no further than NewVision Clinics. We have a team of experienced eye surgeons who conduct world-class LASIK and Advanced PRK surgical procedures. Laser eye surgery is an extremely safe and common procedure used to treat vision problems such as far-sightedness, near-sightedness and astigmatism in a wide range of patients.

While laser eye surgery is a widely used procedure, many patients have questions about how the procedure is performed and the aftercare measures that need to be taken once the treatment is performed.

Generic photo of man driving a car through slight turn.

Safety of Laser Eye Surgery Windsor

Laser eye surgery may sound daunting, but it is a common surgical procedure used to treat millions of people worldwide. NewVision Clinics performs laser eye surgery Windsor residents trust. At our laser eye clinic, patients can rest assured that their surgery will be performed by highly qualified professionals using advanced equipment and knowledge. Contact us today with all your laser eye surgery questions.

Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Cheltenham?

While different patients may heal in slightly different ways, it is not recommended that patients drive on the day of the surgery. LASIK patients heal quickly and are usually able to drive the day after their surgery, while Advanced PRK patients may require up to a week of recovery before driving. At NewVision Clinics, we recommend that patients bring someone with them to the procedure so they can be driven home afterwards. This prevents strain on the eyes and helps speed up the healing process.

Will I Need to Take Time off Work?

LASIK surgery provides nearly instant results. Patients find that their vision improves almost immediately, however, it is always a good idea to rest for up to two days before commuting to work. Advanced PRK patients require a longer period of recovery and are usually able to return to work within a week of the procedure.

PRK and Laser Eye Surgery East Melbourne

At NewVision Clinics, we have successfully treated thousands of  patients who come to us with mild to severe vision problems such as astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia and cataracts. Contact us today with all your laser eye surgery questions or book an appointment with us now!